[C]    EFS  |  DirectFile



All examples provided at this page are fully functional.  They can be downloaded for testing or "playing" - or simply

to discover the world of Excel Filing Systems. Most of them represent typical scenarios from real life.


Collect and administrate the manuals of your devices
EFS - Manuals

[C1]  Manuals

Collection and administration of manuals.

Each document available in pdf-Format.

Direct opening the manual via button.


[click here to enter the example]



Administrate offers and access them directly per button.
EFS - Offer Database

[C2]  Offer Database

Administration of quotations and related files.

Each offer opens per button or shortcut.

Search what you need and check offer immediately.


[click here to enter the example]



Administrate offers and access them directly per button.
EFS - Offer Database

[C3]  Presentations & Papers

Organize your presentations and papers.

Use categories to sort them.

Define if you like to open the ppt or the pdf per click.


[click here to enter the example]








We enjoy the power of organization.